Quote Generator - allow visitors to your website to get an instant quote
- Offer a quote generator for your website with control over the pricing, options and images to display the product or service you are offering using Sales Channel UK Quote Generator
- Link the quoted price to an instant invoice for sharing with a client.
Case Studies
Add Options, drop down choices and extra costs for each choice
The Quote Generator allows you to add as many questions, options, drop-down selections and additional costs as you need to create an accurate price quotation.
- In your quote calculator add as many questions, options, drop-down selections and additional costs as you need.
- Add extra costings for every sub option so the user can gain a good guideline price.
- Link the final price to a contact form or direct to messenger.
- Quotations logged in an admin area and can be invoiced directly to your clients.
Add Images for some or all options
The Quote Generator allows you to upload as many example images as you like; if you wish, an image for each and every possible variation.
- Upload images for as many of the options as you wish or just a select few of them.
Examples of client websites using our Quotation software
Portfolio - Rocking Horse Works
Rocking Horse Works uses the Quote Generator to start the process of purchasing one of their rocking horses.
Visit rockinghorseworks.co.uk
Portfolio - Green & Rubber Roofs
For Green & Rubber Roofs, the Quote Generator allows an initial pricing for new rubber or green roofs.
Visit greenandrubberroofs.com
[Tools] on SalesChannel.UK
This website SalesChannel.UK explores our full range of dynamic solutions and website code to power your website. For our client support website please visit SerenWeb.com
Sales Channel UK websites