Event Management Software
Sales Channel UK's Event Management software allows you to update events, provide a booking form and analysis of all entrants to your events through an admin portal.
- Capture form to ensure all the information you require for the event is gathered
- Option for users to upload documents or photographs as required
- Integration to direct bank payments, PayPal, Stripe, SagePay or Worldpay payment gateways
- Generate online confirmations and send to clients
- Can be operated easily from phone, tablet, iPad, laptop or office computer
Portfolio - Gregynog Young Musician
Gregynog Young Musician Competition use the booking system to allow contestants to apply and upload music
Visit gregynogymc.co.uk
Portfolio - Cambrian Events
For Cambrian Mountain Events we run event management software for their events in mid Wales.
Visit cambrianevents.co.uk
[Tools] on SalesChannel.UK
This website SalesChannel.UK explores our full range of dynamic solutions and website code to power your website. For our client support website please visit SerenWeb.com
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