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Mike Slater *Seren Web

Our Service Availability









Service Level Agreement

We operate our own web servers in Coventry UK and Arizona USA and work with a 24 hour technical team to provide you with a resiliant network for the running of your website and email accounts. Since 2000 we have managed web servers every single day.

Our 24 years' Service Availability

We have operated our managed web servers continuously since 2000 so we have considerable experience in maintaining websites 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, every day of the year.

2009 (99.99%)
2010 (100.00%)
2011 (100.00%)
2012 (99.999%)
2013 (100.00%)
2014 (100.00%)
2015 (100.00%)
2016 (100.00%)
2017 (100.00%)
2018 (100.00%)
2019 (100.00%)
2020 (100.00%)
2021 (100.00%)
2022 (99.99%)
2023 (99.99%)
Total down time in last 7 years is just 45 minutes = 99.9998% availability.


Our achievement in keeping our mail server "white-listed" with important spam directories

There are over 250 global spam directories which effect delivery of emails. In reality keeping a mail server fully "white-listed" with ALL these directories is difficult. We have achieved though above 99% ability to keep clear on ALL these spam directories:

In the last 5 years, ie 1827 days, our mail server has only been on a directory affecting delivery of (some) emails for just 13 days:

13 days (0.71%) - affects delivery of just some emails
1814 days (99.3%)


Our Response to your Enquiries

We understand that a rapid response to make changes to your website or a request for technical information is critical to your work.

Our response to emails and messages: we aim to process and answer 70% of all client requests within 59 minutes and 100% within the same day, 7 days a week. If the work requested involves more than 1 day's work, we will still acknowledge and send a suggested time schedule.


Border Transcription Services A most excellent value for money package and customer service skills second to none. The support to me as a freelancer (hence having no other IT people to turn to) has been tremendous. They offer website hosting, emails and a system for clients to upload files to me all included in one very reasonable annual fee. With no hidden costs, no nasty surprises and everything running smoothly at all times, I have never been kept waiting to respond to anything. I have tried other services and art71/seren is the only one I would recommend.
Donna, Border Transcription Services



What is included in our annual invoice for running your website if we fully manage the site for you?

Registration fees for all website domain names which we have agreed are included in the contract.

Email accounts on all domain names managed by us. As many as you need.

Hosting of your website with our technical partners in Coventry UK. Within reasonable limits, unlimited server space and unlimited data transfer.

Email technical support on almost anything relevant to running the websites.

Text and image changes for existing pages. Pages which need constant update will have content management added which allows you to update the page as you require.

Accessibility access. We ensure that all websites conform fully to current disability guidelines and personal data GDPR legislation.

Control page access giving you as the website owner access to logged messages, orders, site visitor analysis and interactive web software.

Security. We work towards greater security at all times to protect the websites from intruders accessing sensitive data or slowing the server down.

User feedback. You are finally encouraged to send any feedback from users of the website to help improve, not just your website, but also other websites managed by us.


Search & Social Networks

Since 2000 we have been making sure clients are in the top pages on the searches on the main search engines and can often achieve page 1 results.












Seren star

"seren" (noun): - star [ welsh ]
"myseren" (noun): - your star, the space you control
Seren Web *Seren Web

*Seren Web trading since 1st July 1995
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